Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Stepper in Pakistan

Stepper in Pakistan Currently, only four countries -the United States, Canada, China, and Argentina -have commercial shale Stepper in Pakistan gas production. In the past five years, China has drilled more than 600 shale gas wells and produced 14 Mcm/D Stepper in Pakistanof shale gas (EIA 2017); Pakistan can utilize the expertise of Figure 4. Pakistan natural gas infrastructure (modified after Khan and Yasmin (2014)). ...Stepper in Pakistan
Stepper in Pakistan A review on natural gas Stepper in Pakistanpotential of Pakistan for transition to a low-carbon future
Stepper in Pakistan
Sep 2018
Arshad Raza
Meiyu Guo
Raoof Gholami
Reza Rezaee
Stepper in Pakistan
Show abstract
Stepper in Pakistan... PStepper in Pakistanrevious studies further reported that to meet power demand, diesel engineStepper in Pakistan generators were used particularly in domestic and commercial sectors that substantially increases the PAHsStepper in Pakistan emissions ( Menzie et al., 1992;Idjdarene et al., 2008;Lakhani, 2012). Though use of natural gas (an environment friendly fuel) reduces PAHs emissions ( Khan and Yasmin, 2014) but excessive consumption of natural gas during the past five years has created a shortfall of 1312 million standard cubic feet per day in Pakistan, which led to the rapid replacement of natural gas with diesel and gasoline ( Ghumman, 2012;Khan and Yasmin, 2014). According to Pakistan National Conservation Strategy Report, an average Pakistani automobile (diesel and gasoline driven) releases 20 times more hydrocarbons (g/km) than that of an average vehicle in the United States ( Martin, 2007). ...
Stepper in Pakistan... Previous studies further reported that to meet power demand, diesel engine generators were used particularly in domestic and commercial sectors that substantially increases the PAHs emissions ( Menzie et al., 1992;Idjdarene et al., 2008;Lakhani, 2012). Though use of natural gas (an environment friendly fuel) reduces PAHs emissions ( Khan and Yasmin, 2014) but excessive consumption of natural gas during the past five years has created a shortfall of 1312 million standard cubic feet per day in Pakistan, which led to the rapid replacement of natural gas with diesel and gasoline ( Ghumman, 2012;Khan and Yasmin, 2014). According to Pakistan National Conservation Strategy Report, an average Pakistani automobile (diesel and gasoline driven) releases 20 times more hydrocarbons (g/km) than that of an average vehicle in the United States ( Martin, 2007). ...

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